International Conference on Technology, Engineering, and Life Sciences (ICTELS 2025)
You are invited to attend and participate in the International Conference on Technology, Engineering, and Life Sciences (ICTELS), which will take place on 16 – 19 May, 2025 in Rome, Italy.
ICTELS is affiliated with International Society for Technology, Education, and Science (ISTES).
The conference has a virtual presentation option. Virtual participants will receive presentation certificates and their papers will appear in program, abstract, and proceedings books like with our face-to-face conferences. Participants will receive all conference documents (Conference Program Book, Conference Abstract Book, Certificate of Participation, and Proceedings Book) digitally.
Please register and submit your abstract (proposal) first. There is no format for proposal submissions. The abstract (proposal) will added to the submission panel in your conference account. If your proposal is accepted for presentation, then you may upload your full paper for publication in the proceedings, one of the conference journals or annual book. The full paper template is available in the Paper Guidelines menu.
The ICTELS invites submissions which address the theory, research or applications in all disciplines of technology, engineering, and life sciences.
The publications affiliated with ISTES Organization are indexed or listed by all or some of the following sources: Scopus, Eric, Web of Science (ESCI), Web of Science (CPCI).