IEEE International Multi-Conference on Smart Systems & Green Process (IMC-SSGP)

AC : Automatic Control • RA : Robotics & Automation • AII : Artificial Intelligence & IoT • SI : Signal & Image • ACS : Advances in Communication Systems • FS : Faulty Systems • MSO : Modelling, Simulation & Optimization • LNSA : Linear & Nonlinear System Analysis • CPS : Complex Power Systems • EMMS : Energy Management in Multisource Systems • FCHEV : Fuel Cell and Hybrid Electrical Vehicle • EHES : Energy Harvesting & Embedded Systems • MD : Monitoring and Diagnosis • GRE : Green & Renewable Energy • WWTP : Waste-Water Treatment Process • EEEE : Environmental Engineering & Energy Economy • PCT : Pollution Control Technology • ES-SE : Energy Storage – Sustainable Energy

IEEE International Multi-Conference on Smart Systems & Green Process (IMC-SSGP) is technically sponsored by IEEE.



31 Oct. 2024
03 Nov. 2024





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