IEEE 6G Summit Dresden
As 5G has become a well established industry standard, we focus our attention on turbocharging 5G to propell mobile communications to new heights: the next, sixth generation of mobile communications (6G). The IEEE 6G Summit Dresden is the 10th installment of this high impact conference series (formerly IEEE 5G Summit Dresden) in the field of cellular communications, which is home to industry executives and academic scholars alike. During this two-day event, IEEE, 5G Lab Germany, and TU Dresden will host talks by world-renown professionals and industry leaders as well as an exhibition featuring one-of-a-kind demonstrators by global players, startups, and academic institutions. Together, we want to exchange trends, ideas, business opportunities, and discuss the future of mobile communications.
IEEE 6G Summit Dresden is technically sponsored by IEEE. The conference proceedings are likely to be indexed in databases such as Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), Google Scholar, and others.