20th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC)
The EuMIC conference is jointly organized by the GAAS® Association and EuMA, and is the premier European technical conference for RF and microwave electronics, and opto-electronics. Aim of the conference is to promote the discussion of recent developments and trends, and to encourage the exchange of scientific and technical information covering a broad range of high frequency related topics, from materials and technologies to integrated circuits and applications, that will be addressed in all of their aspects: theory, simulation, design and measurement. It has established itself as a key contributor to the success of the overall European Microwave Week and remains the largest scientific event in Europe related to microwave integrated circuits. If you are interested in anything about microwave and RF ICs, the EuMIC conference is an exceptional venue to learn about the latest advances in the field and meet recognized experts from both industry and academia.
20th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC) is technically sponsored by IEEE. The conference proceedings are likely to be indexed in databases such as Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), Google Scholar, and others.